Real Estate Photos

 So I'm going to start taking pictures of houses for realtors on the side, because I'm a photographer who would like to one day buy some fancy ridiculously unnecessarily expensive equipment.  That and the extra monies would be helpful.  My dad found an open house along Newport Coast, and this house I photographed was not finished (probably why it was being auctioned to some millionaires).  Sadly, it was raining when we went on but it had beautiful features like marble, a private lake, stables, home theater, tennis courts, a guest house/servants quarters (seriously), whatever else you could think of that's a tad bit superfluous.  Anyways, here are some pics that I took to show hopefully potential clients.  Visit my Facebook page, Locke Realty Media, here.

Valentine's Day Shoot

So I finally edited the pics I took for my friend Chelsea for Valentine's Day.  Most everything was her idea, and  we had a great time.  We kinda got started late in the day, and on top of that it was overcast, not ideal, but oh well, we did it still.  It was also my first time shooting a couple, ahhh that made me nervous.  I don't want to make overly lovey shots, but cute at the same time, and I have to direct them and hope that they do something magical on their own.  Haha.  Good thing me and the bf like hanging out with Chels and her man so shooting wasn't awkward, just different for me.  Well, enjoy.

The Portrait - Digital Final

For my final in Digital Imagery, I wanted to experiment with expression.  My camera was set to shoot continuously and I would shoot for several minutes.  I didn't let my subject know my whole idea, like the fact that this was an experiment where I would see how their expression changed.  I just told my subject that I wanted to do a portrait and it would take several minutes of shooting.

I originally was going to present this in a grid format, but ended up not feeling that was the right way to present what I wanted to show.  So the idea of doing this in video format was exciting and something that interested me.  

Over the course of shooting for this and editing (approx. 450 pics I went over several times), I discovered quite a few interesting things:  at the beginning of the video it feels like my subject is being goofy to hide his uncomfortableness in front of the camera, after a few minutes of shooting is where things begin to get interesting (after about 4 minutes in the video), I can see my subject getting slightly bored of all the shooting, then begins to feel comfortable enough to engage the camera closely and genuinely laughs.  Also when I was going through watching the video, I would find myself laughing when my subject laughed or even feeling bored when he was, it could have been because I was present when I shot all these photos, but it was a cool experience for me.

I'm posting another video that I hopefully can dig into more later, and it was just cool to watch when I was reviewing my photos, I went through the photos several times enjoying the flipbook in chart form feel of it.

Experimental: Intervention

This project my class could pick from fabrication, sculpture, or intervention in photography.  Mine crosses the borders on each of them.  I was interested in lenticular printing, what image might be caught in the middle when flashing between the two.  When I shot the underwater shoot, I also shot quite a few pictures of my sister falling into the water, and felt that these sort of splashes created a kind of sculpture for me.  I wanted to place them in a landscape, so I overlapped the splash photo with one of a landscape that I took.

Experimental Photo: Billboard Project

My class was to create a billboard that was an artwork, and perhaps fit into the landscape in an interesting way.  I went out to shoot pictures of billboards, but I wasn't able to find any that I liked.  So instead I used a picture I took when going through New Mexico earlier this summer, cut out the billboard from another picture I took, then put my photo of LA in the landscape.  My boyfriend helped me find a little park off 1st Street in LA, and it was nice and secluded while having some fantastic views of the cities and skyscrapers, exactly what I wanted.  I was driving around with the phone next to my ear while he was at home on Google maps directing me, haha, it was really quite fun.

Underwater Photos for the First Time

For my Digital Imagery class midterm, I wanted to try something ambitious...shooting underwater.  My idea originally was to play around with this idea of suspension and the way the body moves underwater, how it seemingly defies gravity.
I was going to rent a camera, but ended up not because it was very expensive.  Instead I went and created my own very inexpensive contraption, which I don't recommend anyone to repeat.  I was taking a risk with it, but you gotta do what you gotta do.  After the third  test of my underwater camera housing (involving transparency, lots of duct tape, and ziploc) it proved to be waterproof.  It worked, and created some interesting effects underwater.  It was difficult to use however, especially since I didn't get all of the air out.  I couldn't stay underwater very long because I kept floating back up to the top!
 This project was a lot of fun for me and my model, one of my best friends; and my sister who I persuaded into helping too.  When I get some extra money, I'll be sure to invest in some real underwater housing.  Anyways, enjoy some of the pictures I took, and the "behind the scenes" ones my sister decided to take.

Diana Goldstein: Fallen Princesses

Someone presented Diana Goldstein last week in my Digital Imagery class, and the one I saw was Snow White, and I really loved just the aesthetic and the way the photo was set up in general, I thought it was creative, when reality hits fantasy.

I've always wondered, is prince charming really that charming, or.... I mean, with those tight tights....uhhh?

Anyways, they're pretty self explanatory if you've already seen the Disney movies, and I like the classic Disney fairytale, but these....these are fresh.

Experimental: Photograms

Last week for my experimental class, we had photograms due. And this exercise was my first time making photograms, which is an enjoyable and addicting experience. In other words, I went a bit crazy and was, well, experimenting, and made too many. hehe. We've been doing single projects every week since school started and I like the system, it's fun. Next week though, I think we're going to be starting bigger projects.

I think the whole basis in photography is experimenting, at least for me that is. I'm still finding out what my style and niche is in the photography world. Anyways, Mark Ruwedel is my teacher and he's really very funny and witty. Every class is a good time, and he's just sarcastic, he doesn't force his humor, great teacher. So I'm looking forward to the rest of class.

The set of 6 that I'm showing are what I presented for my critique last Thursday. Can you guess what they are? Probably, because the middle picture definitely gives it away. It was suggested to me that perhaps I place the two on the end with a picture of an entirely different nature to throw the viewer off. And I like that idea. Enjoy.