Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TV: The Walking Dead

AMC has a fantastic new show that premiered on Halloween this year called The Walking Dead, based off a comic book series by the same name. The first night the show had 8 million viewers and is on for another season. Whooo! Thank God, because this show, after only seeing 3 episodes, is amazing! Not only is it suspenseful and intense (I almost couldn't take it at some points), it's realistic and graphic, the zombies look spectacular, and the plot line is engaging.

Not only that, the main character, Rick, played by Andrew Lincoln, is really fuckin sexy. He wakes up in a hospital after being shot and in a coma for who knows how long. The hospital had been overrun, and Rick starts finding dead people everywhere, an empty city, and finds out that he's up against Walkers, otherwise known as zombies.

I was also in Hot Topic the other day and spotted some cool Walking Dead shirts I was really excited for, I'll have to get mine soon perhaps...So I highly recommend it, since we're also going through a zombie craze currently, and hope you enjoy it. :)

Pondering About Abandoned Places

I love nature and the wilderness, and finding abandoned places hidden in the mountains. It's eerie and alluring to me, but I especially find it beautiful because I like seeing an old man-made structure returning to nature, becoming a part of the land once again. Mother nature is powerful, and it is beautiful to see that in these old structures. I realized that this past weekend when I went on a hike up in the San Bernadino national park. To go off topic slightly, I also love towns around the mountains, like the city of Redlands, absolutely beautiful and I could just stare out the window all day and make a million stops to take pictures....

Artist: Steve Quartly

Have you ever been at a mall, like the Irvine Spectrum, and gone through one of those art stores? Yeah the ones with the common art usually on the wall of your grandma's house. As much as I love modern art, there's something about these typical paintings that I still find comfort in. It's like drinking a cup of hot cocoa with blankets next to a fire for me. Maybe because I just like looking at the beautiful paintings and seeing it as a place I could be in one day. Steve Quartly does many paintings of Italy, and I have this attraction to Italy even though I have never been there before. I want to someday. Paintings like his and Thomas Kinkade's even, take me away to another place in the mountains, or by the water, and I enjoy that. So shoot me.

Fail: Watch


So I was at a CVS the other week, and spotted these Disney watches, well this one was special and a definite fail. As lazy as I am to put it up on failblog, I'm not lazy enough to not put it up on my own blog, hahaha. This watch was just too awesome to pass up.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Word of the Day: Discombobulate


–verb (used with object), -lat·ed, -lat·ing.
to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate

"Being so discombobulated, I put the milk in the cabinet and the cereal in the fridge."