When my professor mentioned that we would be doing a future project, my mind went to "water." Most people think of space, but I picture water. It would be incredible to create a livable community underwater. One of my first ideas for this project would follow a sort of reverse time line for macro evolution. First, fish turned into man, and in the "future," man would revert back into the water and well, not necessarily turn back into a fish but be able to live and sustain life underwater. I'm not thinking merfolk, that is another time, another story.
To be honest I am probably not going to complete this idea because of A) equipment, and B) time. But I enjoy underwater photography immensely and was consumed by looking at pictures for hours on end. I hope to pursue this sometime in the future of my life.
Anyways, my mom used to give me these Pop Photo magazines she bought and I remembered there was an article on Howard Schatz and his beautiful underwater photography. If people ever did live underwater, I envision they would look like the dancers in his photos: graceful, gentle, and flowing, always flowing.
Another artist I discovered on my search was Zena Holloway who has done underwater photography for many ads and also has lovely and inspiring photos.