Sunday, April 18, 2010

Life Drawing Class: Value

Just before spring break in my life drawing class we got into value. We started just separating planes on the figure when we did quick gesture drawings, then we moved onto longer drawings. It has certainly gotten a lot more exciting in the class. These are some of the things I've done in class and one picture is my homework assignment that I drew of my lover.

My professor basically says to think of ourselves as sculptors, we carve the form (light) out from the dark. We do a quick sketch, marking where important points are and the basic form of the figure, then we squint hard and unify the darks. After we carve out the strong light, then move onto getting into detail and middle values. Our movements get smaller and smaller.

I would have never thought I'd be able to draw the figure but my professor, Cynthia Grilli, in my opinion is amazing. Here's her website if you want to check it out.

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