Thursday, October 14, 2010

Movies in a Cemetery: Cinespia

September 18th was the last cemetery showing of the season for Cinespia, but me and my friends first showing. We watched Night of the Living Dead projected onto the wall of a mausoleum, I believe, with blankets, snacks, and each other. It is held at the Hollywood Forever cemetery, and it is almost pitch black walking on the way to our spots, this only made me more excited. If you ever decide to go if you haven't, mind you, it is gonna be frickin crowded, and the website doesn't tell you this, but it is also $10, kinda pricey, but I enjoyed it and plan to do it again. There is also a dj that plays before and after the movie. When I went DJ Nobody played and he's got some good stuff, a mix of techno and jazzy classics. Anyways, check it out here.

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