Monday, June 6, 2011

Color Photo Project 3: Simulacra

Simulacra: the constructed image.
1. slight, unreal, superficial likeness or semblance
2. effigy, image, or representation
3. re-creation, fabrication, counterfeit, fake

This was the third assignment of my semester. I'll briefly mention right now that I am behind on blogging yet again, but I've been enjoying my summer thus far. I've done well this semester with getting my projects turned in on time, which was one of my goals. I feel that sometimes when given a photo project, I need more time than what is given. So it is coming up with the best of what I got at the time.
This project I plan to work on a make stronger during the summer. My teacher likes the ideas I am developing with this project and finds them interesting, it is just a matter of working with it more. I feel I'm close though.

This project works with appropriated images, which is basically me taking pictures of pictures and turning it into my own work. By re-creating these images of open-mouthed sexy women in advertisements, the original picture becomes distorted and pixelated creating this strangeness and fakeness to the image. I also printed the pictures very large to enhance this distortion.

I went through lots of editing such as doing different sets of pictures that all still correlated with each other, but money and time subtracted that from the equation. I ended up printing six pictures in a grid format, something that is already laid out for you like a magazine spread, where I originally got my pictures from. Even though I shot hundreds of pics, I narrowed it down to six to keep it simpler, and less overwhelming.

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