Last week for my experimental class, we had photograms due. And this exercise was my first time making photograms, which is an enjoyable and addicting experience. In other words, I went a bit crazy and was, well, experimenting, and made too many. hehe. We've been doing single projects every week since school started and I like the system, it's fun. Next week though, I think we're going to be starting bigger projects.
I think the whole basis in photography is experimenting, at least for me that is. I'm still finding out what my style and niche is in the photography world. Anyways, Mark Ruwedel is my teacher and he's really very funny and witty. Every class is a good time, and he's just sarcastic, he doesn't force his humor, great teacher. So I'm looking forward to the rest of class.
The set of 6 that I'm showing are what I presented for my critique last Thursday. Can you guess what they are? Probably, because the middle picture definitely gives it away. It was suggested to me that perhaps I place the two on the end with a picture of an entirely different nature to throw the viewer off. And I like that idea. Enjoy.