If the World Was Made of Scotch Tape...

Nothing would really be fixed...and it'd be sticky.

I enjoy how artist Tara Donovan creates beautiful pieces using objects most of us would never even consider using for art. These bland, unnatural, man made pieces are put together so it looks natural and organic. I wonder if that's what the future will be like. There will be no such thing as nature; everything will be man made, and what people come to know as nature in the future is what people now know as paper plates and styrofoam cups. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. It might still be beautiful and pleasing, but distant and possibly unable to relate to even though man made it himself...
Tara Donovan's Art here.


David Yu said... / February 18, 2010 at 8:29 AM  

Cool stuff, I always like seeing art made out of non-art media

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