When I was growing up, I loved loved magazines. I'd always tear out fashion pictures and make collages from them. I loved them (magazines) for the beautiful pictures, and I still have an attachment for beautiful pictures because it defies reality.
In 7th and 8th grade a friend and me designed clothes together and I thought about being a fashion designer. Yet I look at that world now and go...nope! I'd rather photograph it. I discovered a blog, Design Scene, which is now my current addiction instead of magazines, it just cuts right to the gooood stuff, and since I haven't looked at a magazine in such a long time, it's fueling my unfed desires.
I love this shoot done in Elle magazine (spring 2010) with Keira Knightly, it's soft, romantic, and some pics have a bit of playfulness to them. They're photographed by Carter Smith and I believe he did a beautiful job. Anyways, enjoy.
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