I'm already working on my second project now, but earlier this semester, for my intermediate photo class, our first assignment was to photograph things not normally seen, things that are anti-cliche. Everyone first presented what was seen as cliche today, such as: the myspace type profile picture we've all made, the large flowers with bees, family portraits, swirling staircases, sunsets, that sun glare everyone seems to include in their photos too, waterfalls, beaches and palm trees, tree lined walkways, etc etc. I've taken all these photos too I admit, much of my beginning works dealt with bees and flowers close-up. I was so fascinated with close-up and that I could be next to a bee and catch it on camera! I'll have to post those pics sometime. But it is fascinating because what we see as cliche now was not considered so at one point, also, what we see as new and inventive now, will at some point become cliche because everyone will be wanting to make those pictures.
Anyways, I started just going out and taking pictures at Disneyland, then inside my house. We have a giant (I'm sure almost every asian family has this) family portrait by our front door. I played around with this idea of blurring out the faces in the picture. You can still see the blurred silhouettes, but no detail, like that family portrait means nothing, it could be anybody's family, no one would know.Another picture I used a cup and had my sister hold it against the kitchen light, it looks more like a graphic piece, I was just playing around with different things to create various effects in a picture. Note: these are scans from my negatives, not scans from the actual prints themselves.
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